Gusto, check. Passion, check. Adorable quotient, check. Love them! Thanks to my friend A for sharing. It seems like the entire world has already seen this, but I only saw it today.
Check out their blog at PS22 Chorus to see more. I especially enjoyed their “Eye of the Tiger”. 😀 I attended PS19 and PS13, so I feel some sort of proximate love for them too. 🙂
… is not as mundane an experience as you might think! I wish I could embed the video, but please go to How to put your pants on to see the video for yourselves.
I got the link from friends H and F. My two favorites involve a wall and a seesaw. 😀
Come on, who doesn’t love free fun with the family?! I wish I was that kid being flung across the ice. Wheeeee! Totally made of happy! You can tell because that kid can’t stop giggling. 🙂
I have never seen a museum display this cool. I’ve never seen anything that came close to this in any sort of museum or educational setting that is so engaging and able to communicate a sense of history in a visually stunning, storytelling, cool way. I just can’t use enough positive adjectives to gush about this thing.
Please go to the youtube page for it and watch it in high quality. WOW. Just WOW. That person who designed it needs some sort of award. I know I sound like a raving maniac by now, but I am so excited by the idea that you can make history & learning just so awesome. This seems like the right way to engage people, young and old alike, not lame “edutainment” games I’ve seen in stores.
Adam Savage’s talk about his obsession over the dodo bird and the Maltese Falcon is over 16 minutes long, but worth every fun minute. I agree with him about attacking big projects “feather by feather” (this is SUCH a “Getting Things Done” concept :D) and about how it’s not about the finished product. The point is doing what you love, loving what you do, at the moment, in the moment. Being passionate about things that interest you is made of happy!
Also, now I want to attend The Entertaining Gathering in addition to the TED talks. So many cool things, so little time!
I am of the opinion that people end up valuing most what they have to work their butts off at, be it a skill, a relationship, or an education. This high school program incorporates one 8-hour work day per week to help pay for their tuition, and this work day is mandatory. 100% of the student body graduated and goes on to college. This is remarkable because the kids who attend are not your average college-bound kids.
“One of my uncles, he got locked up when I was young, he always told me to stand up for myself, I see him as a role model, he taught me to defend myself.†Ramon Quevedo lives in South Central, Los Angeles where gangs are a normal part of life and looking over your shoulder is habit. He loves Al Pacino’s Scarface, the Oakland Raiders and video games. At eight, Ramon was angry and liked to fight and in middle school, Ramon was ditching, tagging, and involved in illegal activities having to do with drugs and guns.
I love stories of people overcoming their circumstances to become someone better. I love that this kid’s mom tried everything she knew to try to set him straight and did not give up. I love that this kid admits to his temptations, but knows which path is going to pay off in the long run. Keep working hard! Ramon Quevedo’s new future is made of happy.
My husband says it’s possible that someone out there has not seen Dancing Matt. I didn’t think it was possible, but if you haven’t, here he is. He travelled around the world and made videos of himself dancing fecklessly and recklessly happily in various locales. This is his 2008 project.
You should go to YouTube to watch the video in high quality! You can’t confine so much joyous celebration to mere low-quality. 🙂 Matt, you and all the world that danced with you are made of happy!
This video follows the path of a $25 loan from London, England to Preak Tamao village, Cambodia. is a website that allows internet users like you or I to lend money to people that need it in developing countries, with the aim of empowering them to lift themselves out of poverty.
It seems incredible that $25 can make such a big difference, but I remember that when my family of 5 moved to the US, we only had $75 to our name. Koreans and Korean Americans engage in a community lending circle called “gae” so I am used to the idea of individuals lending money to help others start businesses. I love that such a small amount can help. I think I am going to make a loan. I’ll do it this month, and make someone happy. 🙂 Kiva is made of happy!
This video has been floating around for more than a year, so it might be old news to you, but it was new to me. The intro snippet says:
A woman in Columbia found a lion cub, who was wounded and hungry. She took him home and raised him until he was too big. She then gave him to the local zoo, where she visits him every day.Â
This is one of those cases where I have complex mixed feelings about wild animals being domesticated, but the lion was wounded when she took him in, so I think it is much better this way. Since he is living in a zoo and not released into the wild, I can just look at the incredible display of affection and just say, “Awwwwwww!”