This dog demands his place at the table of happy!
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Happy dog FTW! All bow down in happiness to our Happy Dog Overlord!
This dog demands his place at the table of happy!
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Happy dog FTW! All bow down in happiness to our Happy Dog Overlord!
0:05 is the BEST part of this video. HEE!
via the super-awesome blog Cute Things Falling Asleep.
Your soft little squishy self that can recover from bobbling about like that is totally made of happy!
see more puppies on ihasahotdog
My dog sleeps tucked under my arm like that too, when I let him. ๐
Behold! Five corgi puppies, one camera, six seconds:
I wish they would run through the screen at me.
See video here. The news site’s embed code is broken…
The title of the article isรย Puppies save three-year-old boy lost in freezing Virginia woods. Yes, this story is as awesome as you imagine.
A toddler lost in the Virginia woods was back home safe Sunday thanks to two puppies who kept him warm through a harrowing night of freezing temperatures.
Jaylynn Thorpe, 3, wandered away from his baby-sitter at 4 p.m. Friday and was missing for 21 hours as hundreds of friends, family and law enforcement officials searched for him in the thick woods of Halifax County, fearing the worst.
Officials said the lost little boy and the two family puppies wandered up to a mile in the dark, even across a highway, but it wasn’t until Saturday afternoon that members of the search team found him sitting by a tree, the two puppies nestled against him.
“When I first saw him, he was like, ‘Momma, I got cold. I slept in the woods last night. The puppies kept me warm.’ He told me that … the dogs slept up against him. And I’m sure the body heat kept him warm,” said his mother, Sarah Ingram.
So glad you were found, little guy! And that your little puppy friends kept you warm and safe throughout the night. Your loyal puppies are made of happy!
on the floor 1. King by Elbosco
Hmm, sure, this little guy isn’t changing the world, but he sure made me happy.
But boy is he going to be disappointed when they take his temperature! Hee!
see more puppies
Remember, keeping your animal friend healthy is made of happy! And so is the New Year! Happy New Year, everyone!
This pup looks so happy! I’m pretty sure it’s because he knows who he is and he knows what he’s supposed to be doing AND he’s doing it — he’s found his big stick and now he’ll carry it home! ๐
When I’m doing things right and all is right with my corner of the world, I feel like how this guy must feel. I hope your new year will be full of this kind of contentment and sense of achievement The New Year will surely be made of happy!
OMG. OMG, I tell you. I cannot believe that there is a blog called… wait for it… Cute Things Falling Asleep.
Truly, this is a wonderful world.
This little pup was featured as “Sleepy Puppy 13” with a cute rating of 4 and a sleepy rating of 4.
Why must this puppy put his head on the step/ledge/shelf/whatever that is?? Why? Is it because he knows it’s more adorable this way? Can I cuddle him already?
via Shiba Inu Puppy Cam, Ustream.TV: Tune in daily to see the cutest Shiba Inu pups… EVER! ;)รย
Everyone in the world has seen this cam, but this site could not be complete without these leetle squirmies.