Posts Tagged ‘Phillies’

Toddler Leading Parade Celebration Is Made of Happy

Saturday, December 20th, 2008

This video was taken during the Philadelphia Phillies World Series Parade. If you are from Philly, you’ve probably already seen it. 😀 From the YouTube description:

We snuck out into the middle of Broad Street to snap a pic in front of City Hall and all the crowds. When Will raised his hands for the picture, cheers erupted. So he continued to repeat the gesture, getting wild response from the crowd on both sides of the street up and down the street as far as we could see. We couldn’t have planned this if we practiced and practiced. I wish the video was longer.

I, for one, welcome our new toddler overlords. 😉 How big is Will?! Heh.

On an administrative note, I have no idea why embedded content is stripped from the MoH feeds. I will try to get this fixed ASAP. Thanks for the patience! 🙂