Handmade Things Are Made of Happy

Day 67/365 by sictransitgloria is on christmas vacation!
Day 67/365 by sictransitgloria is on christmas vacation!

This beautiful picture reminds me of a tiny crocheted shrug/vest that my mom made for me when I was probably around 5 years old. I remember wearing it with pride. I remember thinking I was so special that my mom made me this cool piece of clothing, before I even knew what cool was.

I never let my mom give that away. I dressed my stuffed dolls in it when I got much bigger and it shrank in the wash. I carefully put it away in storage for years. A couple of Christmases ago when I was visiting family, I stumbled upon it again. I brought it back to my home with me. It sits in my dresser drawer, reminding me of my mom’s love.

I have every handmade gift anyone ever gave me, except the edible ones. 😉 I have cards, the knitted and crocheted things from my mom, the makeup bag, the tapes/CDs, the strange postcards, the picnic-tablecloth-turned-bag even. I have everything.

Chances are, if you’ve ever given a handmade gift, the recipient still has it or holds fond memories of it. Those are the ones most precious to me. Know that your family and friends still cherish all of those things you put such care into.

Thank you for putting your time and love into a handmade gift. Your friendship is certainly made of happy.

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