This video follows the path of a $25 loan from London, England to Preak Tamao village, Cambodia. is a website that allows internet users like you or I to lend money to people that need it in developing countries, with the aim of empowering them to lift themselves out of poverty.
A Fistful Of Dollars: The Story of a Loan from Kieran Ball on Vimeo.
Thanks to my friend H for the link!
It seems incredible that $25 can make such a big difference, but I remember that when my family of 5 moved to the US, we only had $75 to our name. Koreans and Korean Americans engage in a community lending circle called “gae” so I am used to the idea of individuals lending money to help others start businesses. I love that such a small amount can help. I think I am going to make a loan. I’ll do it this month, and make someone happy. 🙂 Kiva is made of happy!
Tags: companies making a difference, Kiva, microlending, video